Video Creator Coins A New Term Chromohydrophobic, What Is The Meaning Behind It?

Publish date: 2024-05-09

Chromohydrophobic means phobia of colorful drinks. As we know, a phobia is a very constant, out-of-control fear of a particular object, place, or activity. Some of the phobias are claustrophobia, katagelophobia, aviophobia, etc.

One of the phobias is Chromohydrophobic and it is an uncommon sort of phobia as per the video creator, @doodledoodledavey.

The term ‘Chromohydrophobic’ is a combination of two distinct types of phobias which is Chromophobia and hydrophobic where chromophobia means fear of colors that are constant and unreasonable and Hydrophobia means fear of water which is psychological fear.

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What Is The Meaning Of Chromohydrophobic?

According to a video creator on Tiktok with the username @doodledoodledavey, Chromohydrophobic means fear of drinking colorful drinks.

The video creator said in the comment section that for those who are curious about the phobia it is genuinely true as he has always been afraid of drinking anything other than water.

Moreover, in his video, he said that anything other than water is like dirty water to him and it’s difficult to drink.

The word ‘Chrom’ is a Latin word that means color whereas ‘Hydrophobic’ means fear of water. The combination of words itself tells a lot about the phobia the video creator is having.

In the viral video the video creator created, he refuses to drink the colorful drink, and his diagnosis appears to be confusing as there is not much explained. However, the term aquaphobic is most commonly used to explain the fear of water than hydrophobic which is due to the fact that hydrophobic is a Biological term and other science which explains that repels or resists water, such as oil.

‘Chromohydophobic’ term does not exist. It is coined by the video creator in Tiktok to describe the fear or phobia he is having of consuming colorful drinks. However, the origin of the term is still unknown.

New Claims Of Chromohydrophobic In The Video Creator Video

The video creator in Tiktok, @doodledoodledavey has uploaded two videos where he explains his phobia and has gained immersed followers of more than 47k with the video. His first video is about his diagnosis, Chromohydrophobia explanation, and tasting the drinks other than water for the first time.

Davey AKA @doodledoodleavey says that he has chromohydrophobic in the video and has never even drank a sip in the lifetime of the colorful drinks as seen in the experiment. After which he drinks the drink like Gatorade, Fanta, Lemonade, Mountain Dew, Dr. Peppe, and a blue slushie.

The response of those who hasn’t drank any drinks other than water or milk in a lifetime was natural and he rated zero for most of the drinks and minus for Dr. Pepper. Due to his phobia, we can see him making unlikeable looks. Moreover, we can see him brushing his teeth to remove the traces of all the drinks he just tasted.

After seeing the video, most of his followers suggested that he drink non-colorful vodka or drinks available to watch his reaction which video he released two days ago. He tasted that non-colorful vodka for the first time in his life. More of his followers requested him to upload more such challenges to see his reaction and help him get over his phobia.
