TikTok Stars Chris Olsen & Ian Paget Explain What Led to Their Breakup

Publish date: 2024-05-07

TikTok star Chris Olsen and Ian Paget announced last week that they have ended their relationship after two years of dating. Now, they’re explaining what led to the breakup.

Chris and Ian made a YouTube video that they posted on Tuesday (January 11) and explained how the pressure of being a “perfect” couple led to their demise.

Click inside to find out what they said…

Ian said, “Being in the public eye the way that we’ve been through these last like year and a half, two years, is wild. And extremely complex, layered, pressurized, so many things. For now, we’ve just decided that it would probably be in our best interest to be moving through the world unromantically. We’re OK and we want you guys to be OK. And we just wanted you guys to know, just because we’re not together in a romantic relationship, doesn’t mean that we can’t work on a very meaningful, deep connection and relationship. I will always love this human so much.”

Chris added, “When we started doing social media, we had only been together for seven months, and we also were just doing it for fun. It wasn’t like we got a TikTok and were like ‘Let’s get a job. Let’s make this our whole entire lives.’ And it just kind of happened that way. When you’ve only been together for seven months, you don’t even know each other that well. So, to suddenly be shipped as this, like, perfect amazing couple—who, if we ever were to break up, people aren’t going to believe in love—was just like a lot pressure.”

Chris said that while fans didn’t mean to “put that pressure on,” it was still there.

Ian said, “Life happens and being in this public eye is crazy. So, we just kind of ask for some privacy, some support. We’ll still be in each other’s lives and we’ll still be in your guys’ lives together, separate. So, new season.”

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This post first appeared on Justjared.com
