WWE Royal Rumble 2012 Card Prediction

Publish date: 2024-05-06
WWE Royal Rumble 2012 Card

30-Man Royal Rumble:
1.John Cena
2.Triple H
3.Randy Orton
4.Chris Jericho
7.The Miz
10.Booker T
11.Kevin Nash
12Alberto Del Rio
13.Wade Barrett
14.Cody Rhodes
15.Zack Ryder
16.Jack Swagger
17.Kofi Kingston
18.Evan Bourne
19.Ted Dibiase
20.David Otunga
21.Mason Ryan
22.Ezekiel Jackson
23.Brodus Clay
24.Justin Gabriel
This list isn't in numerical order this is just the amount of the people I know that'll be in the match. They're going to be 2-3 surprise entrants.
Winner:Randy Orton,I read an article on Wrestlezone that the current plans for Orton is to win the Rumble,I know he's injured but he's still on the card for live events from January 16th & on,I guess his injury isn't that bad.

WWE Championship
Special Referee: John Laurinitis
CM Punk(c) Vs Dolph Ziggler
This was already put in place,obviously
Winner:CM Punk,Ziggler is getting closer to the main event,as good as he is,but he's not quite ready yet

World Heavyweight Championship
Triple Threat Match
Daniel Bryan(c) Vs Mark Henry Vs Big Show
I wish this wasn't going to happen because of how stale & boring it would be,but we all know this will happen
Winner:Mark Henry,as much as I want to see Bryan have a long run,he's just not really ready to be the "guy" for Smackdown & Big Show has had his spotlight he's not going to be champ again.

Divas Championship
Beth Phoenix(c) Vs Alicia Fox
Winner:Beth Phoenix,who cares? No Kharma,no diva competition
