Tips On How To Host A Jack And Jill Party Before A Wedding

Publish date: 2024-05-06

Since Jack and Jill parties are still a somewhat new phenomenon in some parts of the world, you may be wondering who to add to your invite list. Bridal showers are often limited to the bride's closest female friends and family members, but when the party becomes co-ed, that changes. Generally speaking, a Jack and Jill party should be smaller than your engagement party and the guest list should sit at about 30 people or fewer. You can start by making a list of your closest friends and their plus-ones and going from there.

On the other hand, while Americans often keep these parties intimate, if you want to do a true Jack and Jill style party, you might want to open the event up to more people, even those who have already said they can't make the wedding. The reason for this? The primary purpose of Jack and Jill parties isn't just a way to celebrate, it's also a way to raise money. So, the more people invited, the more money you can expect to raise. No matter which type of party you are hoping to throw, make sure it is clear on the invitation that the party is co-ed and that a fee will be charged, if going that route.
