AnnaLynne McCord Dishes On Lifetime's Latest Holiday Movie, Dancing Through The Snow

Publish date: 2024-05-06

You recently started a podcast, "Unzipped," with your former "90210" co-star Shenae Grimes. How is it going and do you have any dream guests?

Yes, actually I was just thinking, it's going really well. We're navigating, learning the ropes on how to do a podcast and doing it in different cities and all the things. But I was like, I need to text Sara Foster. I would love to have her and Erin [Foster] on because, oh my God, they're so hilarious, but also "90210" reunion. We should definitely have Sara on.

And dream, dream guests, Shenae and I both really want to have Russell Brand. I'm like, I don't know why Russell Brand would want to be on a little chick podcast. But we would love to have him. He's amazing, but he brings so much humor and presence and an insane amount of knowledge to these really important topics and a lot of them that I really care about.

It's a funny dynamic between Shenae and I. Right now, she's like, "We need to do more of pop culture, because you want to have Reiki Healers and breath work specialists on the show." And I'm like, "Because my demographic cares about healing." So we're always trying to balance our extremely different interests, and what's happening is there's this crossover that's really finding its home. But we also have noticed that our listeners really like when it's just the two of us, and so we're also doing more solo episodes of just us catching up, and we're kind of finding our flow. And to those early listeners who are like, "They do not know what they're doing." We're very sorry. Please come back. We're learning.

It's been really nice to watch your friendship with Shenae Grimes grow, especially as you've talked about how that wasn't always the case.

I couldn't stand the girl. She was awful. It was so funny. Especially when we hashed it out in the first episode [of "Unzipped"]. We literally had the worst images of each other in our minds. And it's funny now, because one of the things I say in friendships or relationships and people who have known me for a long time, I'm like, "You're talking to me in 2009 and though I understand why you're talking to me as her, I'm not her anymore and I'd really love to have a conversation with you and me now." And we do that, right? Think about the people you've known, especially your family you've known the longest, you have this idea of them from a time and then you keep that [version of] them alive and they're hopefully moving and changing and growing and you're the first one to be like, "Look at all the change I've made!" But we forget to offer that space for someone else and that's what's been really cool with 'Nae and I is we're all about redemption.
