Movies starring Mickey Rourke

Publish date: 2024-05-05
Body Heat Poster Body Heat

Body Heat is Lawrence Kasdan's directorial debut. His role behind the camera was earned in large part because of his writing contributions to The Empire Strikes Back and Raiders of the Lost Ark, two of the biggest movies of the early '80s. And, i...

Expendables, The Poster Expendables, The

For those weaned on action films from the '80s and '90s, The Expendables might seem like a dream come true. Sylvester Stallone, who is credited as both director and co-screenwriter (in addition to being the star), has assembled a dream team: himse...

Immortals Poster Immortals

Immortals plays like the illegitimate offspring of 300 and Clash of the Titans, but while it represents a substantial improvement over the latter, it falls short of the former. As is typical of films directed by Tarsem Singh (The Cell), a weak narr...

Informers, The Poster Informers, The

People suck. Life sucks. And when you get to the top, you realize that everything is hollow and pointless. That sums up Bret Easton Ellis' philosophy as well as the central themes of the latest downer of a movie based on one of his novels. The ...

Iron Man 2 Poster Iron Man 2

With superhero movies, it's almost axiomatic to state that the second film is the best of the series. The reason isn’t difficult to divine: having dispensed with the obligatory origin tale, the movie-makers can weave a more compelling yarn. So ...

Sin City Poster Sin City

Sin City is the most visually inventive comic book adaptation to make its way to a movie screen. While other directors have attempted to remain faithful to the look and "feel" of their source material, Robert Rodriguez has taken things a step furt...

Sin City: A Dame to Kill For Poster Sin City: A Dame to Kill For

For those who appreciated Robert Rodriguez and Frank Miller's 2005 campy, kinetic film noir homage, Sin City, the 2014 follow-up, Sin City: A Dame to Kill For is unlikely to disappoint. It's more of the same and, although a good deal of the freshne...

Wrestler, The Poster Wrestler, The

The film with the loudest buzz at the 2008 Toronto Film Festival was Darren Aranofsky's The Wrestler - quite a change for the man who brought The Fountain to the same venues a couple of years ago to almost universal indifference. The Wrestler, on ...
