When The Usos' non-wrestling brother appeared on WWE RAW

Publish date: 2024-05-04

The Usos and Solo Sikoa represent one of the most successful families in wrestling history. The Bloodline members are the sons of WWE Hall of Famer Rikishi and the cousins of their on-screen ally Roman Reigns.

Rikishi also has another son, Jeremiah Fatu, who did not follow in his family's footsteps in the wrestling business. Jeremiah is seven years older than Sikoa and a year younger than Jey and Jimmy Uso.

Although he did not become a wrestler, Jeremiah still appeared on WWE television. In 1997, he featured in a segment with Santa Claus on the December 22 episode of RAW.

The segment began with Santa awaiting the arrival of Sable. She failed to appear, so a WWE official ushered Jeremiah into the ring instead. Asked what he wanted for Christmas, Rikishi's young son replied, "You're not the real Santa Claus."

Santa told Jeremiah to leave the ring, at which point Stone Cold Steve Austin appeared. The WWE legend called Santa "a fat piece of trash" before hitting him with a Stone Cold Stunner.

Confusion over The Usos' brother appearing in WWE

Every few months, a picture of Jeremiah Fatu's WWE RAW appearance gains traction on social media. It is often claimed that Jey or Jimmy Uso featured in the segment, but that rumor is incorrect.

WWE personality Ryan Pappolla clarified on a 2020 edition of List This! that The Usos' brother appeared on television that day:

"We need to set the record straight on another alleged appearance. Let's also go back to this 1997 episode of RAW. Contrary to the online rumors, this was neither Jimmy or Jey. It was their brother who called out an imposter Santa Claus."

Solo Sikoa was only four years old at the time, which means the brother in question was an 11-year-old Jeremiah.

Were you fooled by the online rumors? Did you think The Usos featured in the memorable segment? Let us know in the comments section below.

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